Giving answers to customers’ needs by innovating processes and anticipating requirements is the challenge won daily by SG Soluzioni Logistiche, a Roman company led by Sergio Giarè that deals in Italy with all aspects related to logistics for international customers such as the PayTv satellite platform SKY Europe and the mobile phone operator H3G.

In particular, SKY has long been active in identifying and measuring its environmental impact by participating in the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) monitoring initiatives, which collects data from international ‘best practices’ and ranks companies according to their ‘greening’ results. SKY is always at the top of the annual European rankings, having adopted a zero-impact policy with analysis and balancing of its direct and indirect emissions and of its entire value chain: hence also the emissions of its suppliers.
Launching a process to transform its operations on an eco-sustainable and socially responsible basis is the objective that SG has set itself for the three-year period 2014/2016, aiming to achieve concrete results in the reduction of its CO2 emissions in order to contribute to the improvement of its customers’ environmental profile.

Together with SG Soluzioni Logistiche’s corporate management, we have developed the SG Green House Gas project articulated over the three-year period 2014/2016: the project envisages phases that follow one another in progression and include analytical study activities, operational activities for the implementation of the solutions identified to achieve the emission reduction targets set, and communication activities according to methodologies internationally recognised by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
To date, we have identified the company’s organisational and operational boundaries by completing the analysis and quantification of direct emissions (according to the dictates of Scope 1-GRI), the analysis and quantification of indirect emissions (Scope 2-GRI) and the analysis and quantification of other emissions (Scope 3-GRI).
The analysis phase was followed by the implementation of a system to track emissions over time, the definition of multi-year reduction targets over the three-year project period, and the identification of actions to achieve the targets. Among the first activities with the greatest immediate impact on the performance indices of SG Soluzioni Logistiche’s clients was the modernisation of lighting systems.

We replaced in the first compartment (SG3) more than 150 obsolete luminaires with new LED luminaires equipped with the QLight energy efficiency platform and the ‘Warehouse Internet of Things’ software application, achieving in the first of the three relamped warehouse compartments a reduction of 30 Tons of Oil Equivalent per year. Quantum’s Warehouse IoT software application implements a scenario-based lighting programming according to the working hours scheduled weekly by the branch manager and dynamic sensor inputs at aisle level to increase the lighting level only in the forklift working areas, while the rest of the warehouse remains dimmed, thus achieving significant energy savings and an improvement in the operational comfort of the employees.
Each forklift is equipped with a wireless control console that interacts with the Quantum Light Manager ensuring that automatic programming ‘override’ commands can be set to handle any operational exceptions.

In 2015 the relamping of the second and third compartments (SG1 and SG2) will be completed with the aim of achieving a reduction of 100 tonnes of CO2 per year.