World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June, as established by the Stockholm Conference in 1972.

This year’s theme is #OnlyOneEarth and was chosen to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference, which used the same motto. The theme is terribly accurate: planet Earth is only one and protecting it is our challenge and responsibility. This reminds us of the need to live sustainably and in harmony with nature because resources are limited and must be safeguarded.

This year, Sweden was chosen to host World Environment Day 2022 because of its active environmental commitment since the Stockholm Conference in 1972.

For all details and more information, please visit the official website:

World Environment Day is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the small everyday actions each of us can take to safeguard the environment and the Earth in which we live. We at Quantum always reflect on these issues, because they are our core business, our soul and our passion. That is why we are particularly sensitive to the themes conveyed and emphasised on this particular day.