On 3 March 2023, Agici Finanza d’Impresa’s Cesef Report 2022 ‘Energy Efficiency at the Centre. New policy framework for an evolving energy context’, according to which Italy is lagging behind the European Union’s roadmap on both renewables and energy efficiency.

According to the report, however, it is possible to overcome the difficulties by achieving a positive result: a reduction in consumption on an annual basis, lower CO2 emissions and economic savings. To get there, support for energy efficiency must be redesigned according to four principles:

  1. Rewards: we need incentives proportional to the results achieved;
  2. Simplicity: leaner and clearer ways of accessing incentives, with definite timeframes;
  3. Integration: policies that make it possible to simultaneously achieve the objectives of decarbonisation, containment of energy costs, increase the country’s energy independence, and relaunch the economy;
  4. Continuity: ensuring the stability of support for energy efficiency over time to create confidence and thus more investment and employment.

The current framework must therefore be reviewed taking into account two elements. The first is the possibilities offered by the PNRR, which allocates more than EUR 38 billion through local incentives for projects that have energy efficiency as a direct or indirect objective. By making the best use of these funds, it is possible to realign with the European Union’s objectives. The second element to keep in mind is the concern about the strong instability of energy costs.

Read more at this link

Sources: huffingtonpost.it